english versionversão portuguesa

Monday, March 3, 2008


All of us already thought to be reaching our limits, already thought or said expressions like: “I can’t handle anymore!” or “Enough!” and, already have been in situations where our life seemed a rope breaking. All have a limit, or at least that’s what people say.

You can’t contest that we are physically limited. We can’t be everywhere at the same time; is impossible our brain comprehend everything; we can’t workout until have unlimited strength, speed and endurance. We can’t even defeat our clearer limitation: death. This is a fact, although the exponential breakthroughs of science motioned by the human inability to conform to their physical limits. This inability lasts for centuries and is evident, for example, in athletes that attempted, and attempt, meeting after meeting, become faster, stronger or with more endurance.

We’re also limited in our emotions. There’s no one who can say it never been sorrowful, or even distressed. There’s always something that interferes on our emotions. If it’s true that some show more endurance, no one is able to manage emotions in order to be always at one hundred per cent. Even Jesus, being God, as a man cried1 and deeply distressed2. He even asked to don’t be sacrificed in our place3.

But, still referring to Jesus, we perceive that He didn’t give up although the emotional state He was submitted to. He putted the will of the Father above His and finished it. And, what made Him transcend His emotional limitation was His Spirit. He was and is Spirit and that gave Him the conscience that His emotions couldn’t interfere with the mission He had come to accomplish.

And, His Spirit beyond making Him transcend His emotional limitations, made him also transcend the physicals. I’m not talking about the aggressions and abuses He was submitted, but about death. Jesus by rising from the dead defeated death and proved us the biggest limitation of the human being hasn’t more power than His Spirit.

When we have God’s Spirit and we live through Him our physical and emotional limitations lose importance. Physically we can be far away or tired, emotionally we can be distressed and weak but we won’t stop having the strength and will to live because His Spirit is within us. Therefore, not all have a limit. Who has the presence of God’s Spirit certainly has no limit because the Spirit doesn’t have it either. So, if you have God in your life there’s nothing you can’t handle; don’t worry because you’re rope can’t be broken.

1 John 11:35
2 Matthews 26:36-38; Mark 14:32-34; Luke 22:44
3 Matthews 26.39; Mark 14:35; Luke 22:42

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